How To Edit Site?

Welcome to the world of WordPress Block-Based Themes! I assume you’ve successfully installed the Omnipress Plugin and activated one of our Full Site Editing (FSE) themes, you’re ready to dive into customizing your site for your business.

The Full Site Editor (FSE) expands the capability to edit posts and pages, Header / Footer through block editing. This user-friendly method offers a straightforward approach to personalize WordPress themes and sites.

Unlike traditional customizer-centric themes, our FSE theme takes a different approach. All the customization options are conveniently placed within the “Site Editor,”

Step 1: Login to your WordPress Dashboard.

Step 2: Navigate to Site Editor from Navigate to Appearance > Editor

Step 3. Load the Block Editor

The block editor, enabling you to modify the layout of your website through individual blocks. Specifically, almost all components of your pages will be segregated into editable block elements. If necessary, you can add new blocks or remove existing ones.

Furthermore, on this page, you will find several additional shortcuts facilitating navigation to various menus, including:

  • Navigation: Modify your website’s navigation menus
  • Styles: Adjust colors, fonts, and other design elements
  • Pages: Edit content and aspects of individual pages
  • Templates: Modify the layout and structure of different page and post types
  • Patterns: Adjust smaller elements of your theme templates

Now, you can select any part of your website and start editing that particular sections.

You can Initiate the addition of new blocks or patterns by clicking the “+” sign located in the upper-left corner.